Simulators for couriers and delivering

Delivering has been a growing sector in the last decade. The development of communications and connectivity has caused the movement of goods by parcel to increase. In recent years and, particularly with the incidence of Covid-19, Internet purchases have multiplied and messaging is now present in everyday life.
To achieve the balance between safety and budget that the sector needs, from SIMFOR we propose to focus attention on the prevention of accidents in mission and the driver certification introducing a driving simulator in the processes of courier companies.

The type of driving simulator will depend on the company's vehicle fleet: motorcycles , cars , heavy vehicles .
Compatible with Covid-19 regulations, it allows you to disinfect each booth after each use and concentrate training in a small and controlled area.

What problems does the courier industry face?

Recruitment of new drivers and rotation

Road accidents and accident rates

Work sick leave due to road accidents

Road accidents en route

Driving simulator solutions

Certification of new drivers with an evaluation carried out in the simulator, previously defined by the company to address the Human Resources aspects that concern it the most.

Ongoing training specific to the problems detected in drivers. The simulator stores the usage data and a report available to the company is generated that lists the problems for each driver.

Cost reduction by preventing accidents, addressing the problems identified in drivers.

In-mission training where the types of accidents can be analyzed and the practices repeated until the drivers consolidate what they have learned.

Contact us to receive more information about the use of simulators for courier companies.